Husky in costume

HHES Halloween Parade

The Annual Halloween Parade For Students in PM Kindergarten, First, Readiness, Second, Third and Fourth will be held at 2:00 PM on Monday, October 31st, 2022

Families are all welcome to come and watch the parade. 


Students will walk out the main entrance of the school and walk down toward the main road. Students will loop around the medium strip by the main entrance and then walk back up around the circle and into the building. 


After the parade students will have to go back to their classrooms for their Halloween parties and will be dismissed at our regular dismissal time.


  • Students are asked to wear street clothing to and from school 

  • Students need to be able to change into and out of their costumes without assistance

  • Students must wear school appropriate shoes for the whole day

  • Please remember that at HHES Students are not permitted to wear costumes that promote violence or have fake (or real) weapons. We have students from ages 5 to 10 participating in our parade and request costumes that are family friendly. 


The main access road to HHES will be shut down at 1:45 PM, therefore if people want to park in the lot please arrive prior to 1:45 PM.


Julia Coquillette
