05.17.21 Mascenic School Board Meeting-Financial 

Virtual Meeting
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5/17/2021 06:00 PM
1. Organization
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order
Agenda Adjustments
Date/Time Next Meeting: June 7, 2021 - Academic Meeting
Review/Approval of minutes: May 3, 2021
Oath Of Office - Kenneth Mayne

2. Public Comments, Correspondence and Board Recognition
Public comment will only be allowed on items in this meeting agenda.

3. Board Chair Remarks

4. Reports to the Board
1. Superintendent of Schools - Dr. Chris Martin
2. Business Administrator - Kathleen Beam
3. Director of Facilities - Craig Reynolds
4. Director of IT - Matthew Ballou

5. Unfinished Business
1. Co-curricular Update
2. Apptegy Website/App Launch

6. New Business
1. BMS Library Content Update
2. Responsive Classroom Initiative
3. Homeless Transportation Conversation

7. Policies

8. Personnel
1. Personnel Report

9. Agenda Building

10. Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:3, II (a-c)

11. Adjournment