Dear BMS Families,
It’s finally feeling like spring!!! We can tell due to the weather and the general feeling that students have “ants in their pants”.
Friendly Reminders
Our doors do not open for students until 7:30. Students should not be banging on doors as teachers enter the building.
Hats, hoods, and earbuds are not allowed to be worn at school.
Report cards went out last week, Honor Roll certificates will be going out in the next few days.
8th Grade Students Only
Next week 8th graders will be getting a letter outlining the various trips that the 8th grade has planned in lieu of the traditional 8th grade trip to Washington, DC. The trips/events include a Lockin for 8th graders at BMS, a Whale Watch out of Rye, NH, a trip to Dave and Busters, and Bowling and Ice Cream. These trips/events will occur mid-May through the end of the school year and while we are still working out the cost, we hope to be able to cover the cost for all students. While a more detailed email will follow next week, for planning purposes we are looking for parent chaperones to augment staff chaperones for the May 20th Lockin at BMS. If you are willing to chaperone for a portion of the all-nighter (usually 3 hour windows), please email Mr. Perigny jperigny@mascenic.org.
After vacation we will send out permission slips for the events and should have a concrete idea of cost (if any) for students.
*Farewell is scheduled for Thursday, June 8th at 6:00 PM, more information will come out in May*
BMS Art Contest
On Thursday, April 21 students will view and vote on the best art pieces submitted in the art contest! We look forward to sharing the winner’s pieces with you!
Staff/Teacher/Nurse Appreciation Week
The week we return from vacation, May 2, 2022 through May 6, 2022 is nationally celebrated as Nurse and Teacher Appreciation week. However, at BMS, we choose to celebrate ALL STAFF (para-educators, janitors, administrative assistants) along with teachers and nurses. This year has been challenging and a kind word can really mean a lot. My mother who is a long time teacher has a note on her refrigerator from a former student; a kind note helps to remind teachers that even when they feel like they aren’t making a difference- they surely have. Our PTSO helps us to robustly celebrate our staff. If you are interested in helping these efforts, please email tmccabe@mascenic.org. If you want to fully fund an all inclusive vacation for anybody you can email me directly at epogorzelski@mascenic.org.
Spirit Week (4.18-4.22)
A huge thank you to the Student Advisory Committee members for helping to plan spirit week and the assembly on Friday!
Monday- Pajama Day
Tuesday- Dress like a Teacher Day
Wednesday- Hawaiian Day
Thursday- Crazy Hair Day
Friday- BMS Colors
Mock Teen Bedroom
Reality Check in Jaffrey is putting on a “Mock Teen Bedroom” on May 4, 2022, at 6:00 PM at the Peterborough Community Center. This is a great opportunity to talk/learn about seemingly harmless items that teens can use to get high.
Wellness Week (4.18-4.22)
Next week is Wellness Week! The MRSD wellness committee has teamed up with the Wellpowered Schools Program through Cheshire Medical Center in Keene to promote wellness throughout our schools. Each day, there will be a different theme along with small challenges or games that promote overall health for our students and staff.
It's wellness week! As mentioned on Friday, this week we will have a different wellness theme each day with a challenge or activity to go along with it. Today is Mindful Monday. Practicing mindfulness has many perks such as decreased depression, increased emotional regulation and reduced anxiety and stress. Dancing, yoga, writing, being in nature, breath work and coloring are all great mindful activities. Check out the “wellness board” across from the guidance office to find ideas for practicing mindfulness today. During WIN block you will get info on mindful breathing techniques!
Today's wellness theme is tasty tuesday. Your challenge for today is to eat the rainbow by trying new fruits and vegetables and eating a variety of healthy foods. Check out the bulletin board by the nurse’s office to see what this looks like! Grab a piece of scrap paper and give yourself a tally point for every different color fruit or vegetable you’ve eaten today. Check in with me (Mrs. Heaphy) at the end of the day and share how you’ve eaten the rainbow! As always, there is fresh fruit in Mrs. Heaphy’s office if you need a snack - first come, first serve!
Today is Wellness Wednesday! What does a healthy mind, body and spirit feel and look like to you? There will be a jar outside of the nurses office under the bulletin board - Whoever gives the best definition of what wellness means to them will win a prize!
Today is thrive or thoughtful Thursday! Your challenge for today is to promote social and emotional health through thoughtful acts. On the “wellness board” across from the guidance office there is a space to post positive notes or encouragement for students, staff or to yourself. Maybe you’re proud of a grade you received or maybe a friend of yours needs a pick me up: whatever it is, fill their bucket by posting positivity!
Today is fit Friday! Get out and get moving today! Today's challenge will be to spend at least 30 minutes of time MOVING your body in an intentional way. You will have an opportunity to move during WIN block today and at the end of the day school wide assembly!
Spring Assessments
Please see the two important letters with information related to spring testing. This year, more than any other year, student participation in the NH SAS is important as the state will count any students that do not take the test, beyond the 5% participation rate, as scores of zero. This would drastically impact our scores and inaccurately reflect our student's achievement. I'm happy to talk about any of the tests with you in order to alleviate any concerns you may have. Please let me know if you have any questions.