Email Blast 8.2.21
Dear BMS Students and Families,
We are so excited to start another school year!!! I hope you have been soaking up the sunshine and thoroughly enjoying summer!
Throughout the year, usually once a week, I will send an email out to families with important information. I use the emails that we have in Powerschool but if you would like an additional or alternate email address used, please let me know!
School Day
This year we have adjusted the school day to solve a long standing issue with our buses. To accommodate this change we’ve shifted our day 15 minutes earlier;
7:30-7:45- Advisory; Student drop off/breakfast
7:45- Academic classes begin
2:15- Begin Dismissal*
*We are currently working on a plan to address the traffic jam that occurs with our dismissal. More information to come!
Bus Information
If your student did not take the bus last year, please complete a bus transportation form and return to
Bus times will be available on our website by August 18, 2021. These times will most likely be adjusted after the first few weeks of school to account for changes in stops.
Student Schedules
Mid August student schedules will become available in Powerschool. This year, students will be mixed in classes, they will not travel with the same group all day long. We are looking forward to this change as it provides various opportunities to meet new friends and allows for different class dynamics.
Through ESSER funds, we have been able to provide all students with back to school supplies requested by each grade level such as pencils, notebooks, binders, etc. We also have a surplus of backpacks that have been generously donated; if your student needs a backpack, please email Sam Richard ( ) or Matt Fraser ( and we can discreetly arrange for them to choose one!
By the end of the year, students in all grades will have lockers. Unfortunately, we will not have them in grades 5 and 6 to start the school year.
All 5th grade students will get a tour as part of their orientation at their Popsicle Party on August 27, 2021, 1:00 PM. While students are taking a tour and meeting their teachers, myself and Mr. Fondas will meet with parents in the cafeteria to talk about the transition from elementary school to middle school.
For any other students who are new to the building, our school counselors will be running tours on August 24th. Please email Sam Richard ( ) to set up a time.
Again, we are thrilled to be starting a new school year! We can’t wait to see students in a few weeks!
Liz Pogorzelski EdD
Principal, BMS