Email Blast 5.10.21
Good morning families,
I wanted to provide families with information related to NWEA testing next week, a presentation to our 7th and 8th graders, and a gentle reminder to parents to encourage their students to adhere to our cell phone policy!
We are NWEA testing next Tuesday (May 18) and Wednesday (May 19). NWEA is our local assessment that we have chosen to help provide us with immediate data related to individual students. This data helps us to plan intervention blocks (Boynton Block) and adjust curriculum pacing/focus for whole classes. In a year that has been wrought with uncertainty, this information will be extremely helpful in planning for next year. As with the NH SAS, there is not a remote option for taking NWEA, remote students will need to come in the building. If you are planning on your remote student coming into the building, please email .
Unless you specifically noted on the NH SAS exemption form or indicated to Tracy Poulin, that your child would not be taking EITHER NH SAS or NWEA, we have your child listed as taking the NWEA test. Tracy will be calling names we have on our list to confirm that students will be taking this test. If you would like to have your child exempted, please email or call Tracy, 603-878-4800.
The testing window is from 8:00-9:30 Tuesday and Wednesday. We will be communicating a plan for our remote students who are not testing by the end of the week.
Internet Crimes Against Children
Our 7th and 8th grade students will have a presentation put on by the NH Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force on May 19 after NWEA testing. The NH ICAC Task Force is a multiagency, multijurisdictional organization that has developed responses to prevent, interdict, investigate and prosecute internet crimes against children. Members of the task force and local law enforcement will be presenting information to students on internet safety;
Know who you are talking to!
They will present for 30-40 minutes and field student questions. If you have questions related to the nature of the content covered, please contact Sam Richard .
If you do not want your child to participate, please let Sam Richard know and they will be given an alternate activity.
We will record one of the presentations and share the link out to remote students.
Cell Phones
Per our handbook, student cell phones are supposed to be off and out of site in all classrooms. We are extending this to all areas of our building during school hours. If any staff member sees a student on their cell phone they are to take the cell phone and bring it to the office.
Parents will be notified and need to arrange a time to pick up the cell phone. If you need to get in touch with your child during the school day we would ask that you contact the main office; we will get your message to them.
Your cooperation and encouragement regarding this change is going to be important. Thank you in advance for helping to keep the focus on learning.
If you have any questions, please call or email!