Good Morning BMS Families,
Below are a few reminders and some new information.
First Day Paperwork
If you have not returned your first-day paperwork, please do so ASAP. We need all of the paperwork back to ensure we have accurate information in our main office.
PowerSchool Grades Mid-Quarter
We are at the midway point in the first quarter. Please check your child’s PowerSchool grade and contact the teachers if you have any questions.
MealTime Lunch Accounts
Please check your child’s MealTime lunch account to ensure there is money in it. You can add funds online or write a check to the “Mascenic Lunch Program.”
Students Off PD Day October 11, 2024
October 11, 2024, is a Professional Development Day for the staff; all students will have the day off from classes.
Picture Retake
Lifetouch will be here on October 22, 2024, in the morning for a picture retake. If you want a retake, you will need to return the original packet.
Kevin Fondas M.Ed.