Boynton Blast 5/3/24

Good Afternoon BMS Families,

Below are a few reminders and some new information. 

Spring Concert
There will be a spring concert here at BMS on May 9 starting at 6 pm. It would be nice to see all at the concert supporting Ms. Marrello in her last concert here at BMS. 

Signs of Suicide Program
Attached is a letter that is being sent home today. It is about the MRSD programming that supports the well-being of all students. This month, BMS will begin offering students in grades 6-8 the youth suicide prevention program Signs of Suicide. The program is evidence-based and has demonstrated an improvement in students’ knowledge and adaptive attitudes about suicide risk and depression. 

With the warmer weather coming, I wanted to send out a reminder of the current student dress code.

The MRSD’s standard of dress is aligned to the School Board Policy JICA, whereas student individual dress is primarily a student and parent/guardian(s) responsibility. The purpose of the dress code is to maintain an undisrupted learning environment for all students and respect for students’ physical as well as social/emotional safety. A student’s dress should reflect concern for the respect, health, and safety of the student, staff, and others. Clothes, shoes, and/or accessories must reflect safety standards for a specific class or activity as applicable. Student dress should not be inappropriate and/or disruptive to the learning environment at any time.

The following dress is prohibited to help all students stay safe and learn these concepts:

 • Clothing which would lead to a health problem (this includes not wearing shoes)
 • Clothing that depicts violent language/images, any illegal school activity or items
 • Clothing that depicts hate speech, profanity, or pornography
 • Dress which would cause a safety hazard (this includes not wearing shoes)
 • Any clothing which would lead to a substantial disruption/ disturbance of the school (as determined by a school administrator)
 • Tank tops; pajamas; bathing suits
 • Clothing with images or language that creates a hostile or intimidating environment based on any federally protected class
 • Clothing that does not completely cover the mid-section or undergarments
 • Clothing that implies and/or glorifies, encourages or promotes the use of drugs/alcohol or violence
 • Hats, hoodies, bandanas, and anything that obscures the face (except as religious observance)
 • Bottoms that have a hem at least a finger tips length when arms are held straight at the side 

*hats are allowed at MRHS Students who violate this policy will need to correct the situation by changing, covering, or removing the clothing in question so that they are in compliance with the dress code. Refusal to comply, or continued violations of this policy will be considered insubordination and may result in further progressive disciplinary action, including but not limited to parent/guardian(s) notification, detentions and/or suspensions.

Below is a reminder related to cell phones. Please help us and encourage your kids not to use cell phones during the school day. 

Cell phones and other electronic devices are encouraged to be left at home. Devices that are brought to school should be turned off and remain out of sight. Cell phones cause a significant disruption to the learning environment as they pull attention away from instruction, learning, and vital opportunities to build community. Staff will enforce a zero tolerance policy on cell phone use. If students have their phone out and visible to staff, regardless of active use, they will be sent to the office to turn over their phone to administration. Refusal to surrender a device to an administrator for the remainder of the day is considered insubordination and will result in a parent/guardian(s) contact and disciplinary action up to an in-school suspension. Repeated offenses will have increased consequences to include confiscation of the device and return of the device only to the parent/guardian(s) at a meeting to discuss the issue and possible solutions.

SOS Letter

Kevin Fondas M.Ed.