Good Morning,
Hopefully, you are doing well on this snowy day. Below are a few items and reminders. There are links confirming that you have seen your child's quarter grades.
Confirming Quarter Grades
Grade 8 Parents
- The grade 8 students will visit ConVal CTE programs on February 5th. The permission slips will be going home this week.
- Recently, the MRHS (Dr. Pogo) sent you and your child an email and letter about course selections for next year when your child is at MRHS. If you did not receive this letter, we will email you another copy.
Attendance Calls
- This is just a reminder that if your child is going to be out of school for the day, the front office needs to be notified by 8:20 AM; anything after that will still result in a call notifying you of your child's absence.
Kevin Fondas M.Ed.