Busy day at the district wide professional development day! Training with Blue U on school safety, vertical alignment in curriculum discussions, wellness activities, de-escalation training, and suicide prevention training. Students benefit when staff receive training on best practices. It's been a productive two days!!! Thank you to all staff for the invested participation and the collaboration!

There is a tree down on the bus 5 route. The bus may arrive a few minutes early to some stops and may be late for others. Thank you for your patience.

Bus 3, 7, and 18 may be running slightly behind schedule today, March 6th.; we anticipate a 10 day minute delay.

Notice to HHES Families: HHES will be having a Kindergarten Registration on Tuesday, March 25th from 5:00 - 7:00 in the HHES cafeteria. Children need to be 5 years of age by September 30th. Please bring your child's birth certificate, proof of residency (an electrical, Comcast, or other bill with your address stated), and immunization records. If you have any questions, please call the HHES office at 603-878-4387.

Goodmorning! Bus 4 is running about 20 minutes late picking up BMS and MRHS students! We apologize for the inconvienance.

MRSD: Students at HHES had an assembly this morning to close out their character trait of the month, safety. Special guests from Community Transportation were on hand to remind students about how to stay safe on the bus. Thank you to Com Tran for their support.

What a great day in Mascenic! The 101st day of school, Habitat Hall in the 2nd grade wing of HHES, and the first day of the Vikes and Tykes program! It was wonderful to see the different habitats and learn about the different animals! Congrats to the 2nd grade students and teachers who put a lot of effort into this showcase! A special thank you to the "Vikes" at MRHS who are volunteering their time to spend time at HHES and mentor elementary school kids! Thank you to Mrs. Wilkinson who has worked incredibly hard to organize this activity!

We are currently looking to hire an executive administrative assistant at BMS! This is a year round position that is focused on managing the finances at Boynton Middle School. Experience with the Microsoft and Google Suites is required. Experience working as an administrative assistant is preferred but not required. Interested applicants should apply at https://www.schoolspring.com/jobdetail?jobId=4959679 or contact Mr. Kevin Fondas, the building principal at 6003-878-4800.

Please use the following link to read the February MRSD Newsletter!

Today, Monday February 17th, school is canceled. Unfortunately, the wind has caused a significant problem and between our maintenance crew and the road agent, there are concerns about the buildings and roads being ready by the delayed start time so we are canceling school. We apologize for the inconvenience but student and staff safety remain paramount.

Tomorrow, February 17th, we will have a two hour delay. This will give our Mascenic crew time to clear the schools and the roads time to improve.

Keeping student and staff safety as a priority, school is canceled today, February 13, 2024. Buildings across the district are closed.

After careful deliberation, we have decided that tomorrow, February 13th, we will have a two hour delay. Tomorrow morning we will assess the condition of the roads and provide an update to families at 7AM. Thank you for your patience!

The Mascenic Regional School District is currently seeking a full time Custodian!
The hours are 2:00pm - 10:00pm. If interested please reach out to the Director of Facilities, Mr. Craig Reynolds, at creynolds@mascenic.org!

We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to Mitch Gluck and his team from CAST for putting together the CAST report. This collaboration between community members and different members of the school community helped to provide constructive feedback for our district. This report highlights the conversations that occurred, data surrounding the issues discussed, and finally their reccomendations for moving forward and where MRSD stands in regards to the reccomendations.
Here is the link to the full report.

Due to the timing of the storm tomorrow, February 6th, we will have a snow day. The school buildings will be closed with no evening activities. However, we hope to see you tonight, February 5th, at both the BMS Boys Championship Basketball game at 4PM in the Mascenic gym and at our Deliberative Session at 6PM in the Mascenic auditorium.

MRHS called ambulance services for a student experiencing a non-life threatening medical emergency. We appreciate the quick response time!

Please join us tomorrow night, Wednesday February 5th, at 6PM in the MRHS Auditorium for our Deliberative Session! It's a great opportunity to learn about the school district's budget and budget process! Prior to the meeting there is a 4PM BMS Boys Basketball game in the MRHS Gymnasium! We hope to see you at both!

Please see the Powerschool Breach update here!

Good afternoon Mascenic,
I wanted to call as early as possible to let staff, students, and families know that we will be canceling school tomorrow, Friday January 31, 2025. Unfortunately, the spread of illness has impacted staff, reaching a threshold where we can not safely open our buildings tomorrow. Additionally, the number of students out across the district continues to be of concern. Our hope is that an extended weekend will allow our staff and students to recuperate and be ready for instruction next week. This cancellation will be counted similar to that of a snow day and will not impact the last day of school.
This is not a decision we take lightly as we are aware of the challenge this presents for our families. However, safety and wellness are our priority.
School buildings will be closed but the SAU will remain open, 8:00 - 4:00. Thank you for your patience and understanding.