How do I get a website approved?
Submit a request with a link to the website to your building contact person. HHES: Mrs. Johnson BMS: Mrs. Hill MRHS: Mr. Frans.
How will I know when my website is approved?
Bi-weekly messaging will include new approvals. If you have not heard about your website approval in few weeks, please refer to the published list on this page.
What does it mean if my site is not approved?
Sites that are not approved can not be used in the classroom with students. The reason sites are not approved, varies, but it is often because the company who manages the site can not assure us that student data is safe.
Can I use pseudo (fake) accounts for students?
If we have to create fake accounts it means that we have circumvented the safety protocols that are required. While creativity is always appreciated, in this case we must say no.

Mascenic Regional School District takes pride in ensuring that students have access to safe, secure, and high-quality digital educational resources. We, in partnership with many other districts, rely on a consortium to determine the safety and security of applications in use in our district. The following list of resources has been submitted to the Technology Support Team as well as the Curriculum Director for review. Approved sites are labeled as "ACTIVE" in this list. Inactive, not approved, or new request sites are not available for use at this time.
Please Use the link below to visit SPDC site for more information on applications please click the link below.